The Lamb of God (Jesus)

The Lamb of God represents Jesus Chirst...........

John 1:29
"Behold the lamb of God (Jesus), which taketh away the sin of the world." Jesus Christ, the Son of living God was manifested to us in the flesh to show God's love for us. God sent his only begotten son to take upon his body the sins of the whole world that we might be saved from our sins. He was piereced for our sins not his sin. He had no sin.

Through the Lamb of God came life and hope for dying world. For the shedding of his blood would wash away our sins.

Just like the sheep wanders away from the sheep fold so do we go astray. We have gone astray and turn to the way of the world following our own sinful desires. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Roman 3:23 This is why Jesus was sent so that we would not die in our sins.

If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the time is now to  accept him as your Savior. Seek Jesus while the blood is still running warm in your veins. Choose this day who you will serve! 

Jesus laid down his life that you might live in him. Seek him today!

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