
Showing posts from February, 2020

Built To Last 02/23 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity

Built To Last 02/23 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity : Voice of Truth live & on the air at 6:30 PM EST every Sunday Tune in for >>>ONE HOUR OF POWER>>>You're invited to a become a follower of this ministry. Live broadcast: Guest call-in# 347-945-5041: Follow us! Here & on Facebook & BTR:

Voice of Truth

Voice of Truth live broadcast is on the air at 6:30 PM EST every Sunday on BlogTalkRadio. Tune in for >>>ONE HOUR OF POWER>>>with your ministering Host Minister Elaine Jackson. We want to invite you and family to become a follower of this ministry.We are a ministry without walls. You can follow us and connect with us on any of electronic devices. Lock us in of your devices to hear what the Lord is saying to his church today. Connect and Stay connected Listen live or on-demand For Live broadcast: Guest call-in# 347-945-5041 Follow us! Here & on Facebook Follow us on our various social media sites

In This Will I Be Confident 02/16 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity

In This Will I Be Confident 02/16 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity : Tune in Sunday, February 16, 2020 at 6:30 PM EST for >>>ONE HOUR OF POWER<<< HOLY GHOST FIRE ! ONE Word from the Lord will change your life! Voice of Truth & Minister Elaine Jackson invite you and yours to come to hear what God has to say for the church in this hour! To listen live or to listen on-demand just click on the link below Guest call-in# 347-945-5041

What Love Is Not

What love is not: Love is more than a box of candy, roses, gift card, dinner out on the town,  and sweet words. Love (agape) is gift that is never attached to anything but comes from the heart of God.  It's not lustful nor does it hurts. Real love come from the heart of God so if his love  is not  within the heart of man or woman than they can not give true love because it's not within their own hearts.

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all my blog followers, family, friends, married couples, and unmarried folks.  Give today the agape love of God that real love that only comes from Him. You got  know Him to give agape love. Agape love!  Happy Valentine's Day from Minister Elaine Jackson and Voice of Truth...  I love you! Gods loves you!

If It's Not Enough Turn It Into Your Seed 02/09 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity

If It's Not Enough Turn It Into Your Seed 02/09 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity : Tune in every Sunday at 6:30 PM EST for ONE HOUR OF POWER

Your 2020 Harvest Is Coming

Your 2020 harvest is coming! If you planted seeds of life (good) or if you planted dead seeds (evil) it shall bring forth the harvest that you have sown, it's that simply.  Whatever you have sown so shall you reap according to the word of THE LORD:  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. What you have planted (sown) is what you shall receive in Jesus name. EJ copyright 2/9/2020 by Elaine Jackson/votwm

Don't Worry Just Pray 02/02 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity

Don't Worry Just Pray 02/02 by Voice of Truth Minister Elaine | Christianity : Live and on the AIR at 6:30 PM EST today... Tune in every Sunday for >>>ONE HOUR of POWER<<< Guest call-in# 347-945-5041 Follow our blog! Follow us on and follow our Facebook page

The Hidden Light

The sun will never shine as long as a mountain stands in front of it as the mountain blocks the glorious light of the sun from shining brightly through. The bible says that God said let there be light and there was light upon the earth. And God separate the light from the darkness. He called the light day and darkness he called night. You may be in a place of darkness due to brokenness of your heart, divorce, failed relationships, lack of a need, or the lost of something or someone. The sun will shine again if you let go of the brokenness and let Jesus, The True Light , come into your life as your Lord & Saviour. The sun will shine again in your life if you choose to allow Jesus to come into your life this day. The true light of Jesus comprehend the darkness for His light shines on and in the darkness. So, today allow the true light of Jesus to come and  rise above your mountain(s) of darkness. Copyright, Elaine Jackson, 2/02/2020

Thought for Today

What you don’t respect you’re never have and what you’re not willing to pay the price for you will never have even if you may desire to have it.  It will never come to you and you will never have what your heart does desire. EJ