
Showing posts from November, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy Thanksgiving                                                        Thanksgiving from Voice of Truth Worldwide Ministries 

The Promise of Life

Image Tune in live today and every Sunday @ 6:30 PM EST for  ONE HOUR OF POWER, HOLY GHOST FIRE Click on the link: Guest Call-In# 347-945-5041

The Heart Reflection

                  Why do you do what you do? Find out why you do what you do? Download your copy of the ebook, The Heart Reflection  Only $2.99.  AVAILABLE NOW! GOOD READ! Click on the link to NOW to get your copy!

I Found It In ME

  Purchase and download your copy today! Good read! You're who you are because of what is found within your heart? Download your copy today, I Found It In Me, Only $2.99, good read!   Click on the link to purchase Now! https:// +in+me+elaine+jackson&i=digital-text&crid=JYAX9A3MUPXC&sprefix=i+found+it+in+me+elaine+jackson%2Cdigital-text%2C92&ref=nb_sb_noss

Why Wait For Something to Happen?

     Why wait for something to happen?  Why not trust in God and wait for Him to do amazing things in your life?  The truth is that when you wait on the Lord,  His promises and blessings will surely come to pass in His due season.  Know that God has not forgotten about you and your life.  By E J