I 'M FREE ( My Personal Testimony)

Today, August 28, 2013, I can truly say that I am free. No more chains holding me. I'm free from anyone or anything that came in my life to stop me from reaching my destiny and trying to stop me from being who God has called me to be in Him. Yes, all my life, I have been through many trails, tests, and suffered much pain from evil works for no reason at all.  
I could have been dead BUT GOD. I could have been out my mind BUT GOD. I could have been bind in chains BUT GOD. I was set free by Power of the Almighty God. My God have delivered me from it all. 
I am free! I am so free that it feels like I am walking upon a Heavenly cloud.  My heart is full with so much joy, peace, and happiness.  I can feel the love of God inside of my heart. It is an Awesome feeling to know and experience the deliverance POWER of God.
I am free to go forth to do work of my Father in heaven, to live an abundance life, to walk in liberty and to receive every promise that God has promised to me.
Yes, I am free! Nothing can stop God's plan for my life. I did not reach this point in my life because I have not been through something but because I have suffered.  This anointed cost me something and it was not cheap. It came with a price.
I am free! Yes, I am free! Not because of anything that I have done but because of the blood of Jesus which was shredded for all us to be free. It is only in Jesus can one truly be set free.  "Jesus Christ is the only author of Liberty."
Now, today, I am walking in liberty with the VICTORY! Hallelujah!
I thank Jesus for setting me free. 
The bible declares in John 8:36 "If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." I am free!  In Galatians 5:1: It declares "Stand fast therefore in the liberty where with Christ made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Yes, I am free!
Jesus set me free and I know that He can set you free if you want to really be free. All who want to be free must repent and change their life's and live for Jesus. Choose this day who you will serve. He will set you free and save your soul. Seek Him today!
I am free! I am free! I am free!
I will forever lift  up the name of Jesus with every breath in my body. I shall praise the Lord all the days of my life. I love Jesus. I thank Jesus for liberty that I have in Him. I thank Jesus for perfect peace in Him. I am free! Hallelujah!

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