Supernatural Supply

Have faith and believe in God's Supernatural Power
 Mark 6:38 
"He said unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes."  We often do not see the supernatural Power of God because we won't take Him out of the box. If we would just take Him out of the box then we would see His supernatural power.
With God all things are possible, if we would JUST have faith and believe that He can.  Are you looking at what seems like, it's not enough? The disciples of Jesus was looking at what they thought was not enough in the natural. But God allow them to experience His supernatural POWER through the miracle performed by Jesus when He fed 5,000 men with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes.  Not only did they have enough, they had more than enough. The twelve baskets were still full of leftovers after everyone had eaten and they were filled. This is reminder to all true believers of Christ that our God is able to supply our every need.  Let's PRAISE Him! Expect the Supernatural Supply!  

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