Let Go And Let God

 Casting all your cares upon him: for he careth for you. 1 Peter : 5: 7
Cast all your troubles, your sorrows, and your burdens upon the Lord for he cares for you. The bible says that Jesus borne our grief's, carried our sorrows and he was afflicted, wounded, pierced, bruised for our sins. Jesus Christ has already carried it all to the cross so why are you carrying what Jesus has already carried for you. Let Go and Let God do what he needs to do for you if you would just get out of his way and stop trying to fix it yourself. He is God and He is able to fix it all by himself.
Let Go and Let God and stop worrying about what you can't change. Why hold on to things that is not doing you any good. Let Go and Let God supply whatever you need. Let Go and Let God be God for he is God all by himself and he don't need any help. Let Go and Let God!

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