The Heart Reflection: Author's Note

Hi, I’m Elaine, and I want you to become all that you were created to be. I believe with all my heart that if you change what is coming into your heart, you can change your whole life.  I do think that you can change your whole life if you guide your heart. Also, I do believe that “As a man think in his own heart, so is he.”

I discovered, during my many years of research that the condition of a spiritual heart will affect whole body. If you are struggling with the uncertainties in your life whether saved or unsaved, I can guarantee that it’s tied to your heart.

I chose to write this ebook, The Heart Reflection, because my whole life was changed from not knowing who I was, to now, knowing who I am, who I belong to, and who I  was created to be by changing my heart.

I want you to experience what I experienced. When you change your heart, you will change your whole life.  “Change your heart, Change your life”

I do hope that this ebook; The Heart Reflection meet your expectations. Purchase today!

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Be on the lookout for next upcoming ebook. Coming soon!



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