Trust In The Lord

Trust in the Lord and not the world or it systems. Trust in the Lord and not in man who will fail you every time. If you trust in the Lord in all thing and everything will be alright because he has promised to never leave you nor forsaken you. If you trust in the Lord he will make a way out of no way if you would just trust him.
Trust in the Lord, believe his Word, and keep the faith even when you are going through hard times. He is always there in the midst while you are going through. If you continue to trust him He will deliver you from all of our troubles.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and stop trying the figure it out. Trust in the Lord and everything will be alright.
Trust in the Lord in all things the good and the bad times. Praise the Lord when things are good and when they are bad. Trust in the Lord. By Elaine Jackson