2020 Money Give Away Challenge

Yesterday, I was listening to radio on the way to work and I heard the radio host say that there is a $2,020 challenge for giving money away to others. Whether this is true or not. If you accept this challenge, I want to encourage you to sow $2,020 into a ministry of living God and support the work of God by giving a tithe or an offering so that you can be blessed beyond measure. It's one thing to give but to give unto God work is whole other ball game. If you're going to give and throw away money why not give unto God's House. If you do that, you can expect an abundance harvest of blessings from the seeds that you have sown. Ask God and he will tell where you need to give. Follow His instructions and watch him bless you beyond measure. Seed-time and harvest shall always remain. If you going to give away money than give it to the House of God to support his work of ministry. Amen

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