My Testimony: God My Keeper


The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. Psalm 121:5
God is a keeper for he will protect his children from all danger seen and unseen. When God says that he will protect you from all danger believe him. The scripture says that God will protect our going out and coming in for he is  keeper of our life. I am a living witness that he will do just that.  I am still here this day because he protected me from all harm and danger. He showed himself to me today as I was faced with danger and did not know what to do.

As I was on my way to work today in the storm and the rain. Believe it or not there were as a herd of cows loose on the highway.  I could not turn around, I could not back up, I could not get on the shoulders of the road, and I could not go forward. I stopped in the road because the cows were across the whole county road and it was near a bridge.   I was thanking God that I did not panic. In fact, I had an inner peace within me as I talked to God. I asked him what to do now because I was at stand still. If I had continued to drive the cows would have run into my vehicle and may have even turned it over.
 As I sat there and talked to God from out of nowhere came an old white pickup truck. This truck just appeared out of nowhere, literally. WOW, God is so amazing. I really did not know what to think. This may seem strange but I could not see anyone in the truck. Maybe it was because of the rain.  As the truck approaches the cows, I still could not see anyone in the truck but I thought in my mind that maybe person in the truck was the owner of cows but he was not.  The truck begins to round up the cows just as cowboy round up cows with their horses. Believe it or not it did happen.
This was an angel sent by God to protect me for all harm and danger.  The bible states that God will send forth angels unaware unto us to help us and protect us. The scripture says that “For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go." Psalm 91:11 (NLT)  This was truly an angel sent by God this morning and I am alive and  here today to be a witness for the true and living God that he is able to keep his children from all harm and dangers seen or unseen.
This angel drove his truck and positions it between my truck and cows.  As I drove by, I finally saw the angel (man). I waved my hand and said thank you. He smiled. Through the foggy windows, I saw the brightest heavenly light glowing from his eyes. When I passed the angel, I felt the presence of God.  I knew that this was God because the angel was gone just as suddenly as he appeared.   

 The scripture states that "The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this forth and even forever... God is my Keeper.  I will love, believe, trust, and serve him all the days of my life for he is my God and my Keeper...

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