Open Your Eyes To See God

As I walked the nature trail, last Saturday, my eyes where open by God to see Him all around me. God had opened my eyes that I might see Him in little things.

God is the creator of all things, yet we do not see Him.
How many times have we said where is God or I can’t see Him. He is really there but we are just too blind to see Him in just the little things. It is little things that we seem to overlook because we are so caught up with our busy life styles that we forget to open our eyes to see God in little things.
If we would only open our eyes we can see Him in the cool of the breeze of the wind. If we open our eyes we can see Him in the many colors of butterflies that fly all around us. If we open our eyes we can see Him in everyday things in our life. If we open our eyes we can see Him in the morning dew and in the clear blue sky.

It is a beautiful thing to see God in His entire splendor. He is so AMAZING!

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